
Go International, UIN Malang Expands Global Ties with USA Consulate

Selasa, 07 Mei 2024 - 19:04 | 12.82k
Prof. Dr. Hj Ilfi Nur Diana, M.Si as Vice Rector for General Administration, Planning and Finance with Joshua Shen from the American Consulate General Surabaya. (Photo: UIN Malang for TIMES INDONESIA)
Prof. Dr. Hj Ilfi Nur Diana, M.Si as Vice Rector for General Administration, Planning and Finance with Joshua Shen from the American Consulate General Surabaya. (Photo: UIN Malang for TIMES INDONESIA)

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, widely known as UIN Malang, is actively expanding its international relations, this time by strengthening its collaboration with the USA Consulate General in Surabaya, Indonesia.

This initiative is a part of the university’s strategic vision to foster internationalization within its educational framework. A notable event marking this collaboration was held on May 6, 2024, featuring prominent figures from both UIN Malang and the U.S. Consulate.

The delegation from UIN Malang included several high-ranking officials such as Prof. Dr. Hj. Ilfi Nur Diana, M.Si, who serves as the Vice Rector for General Administration, Planning and Finance; Dr. KH. Isrowunnajah, M.Ag, Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Development; Drs. H. Basri, MA., Ph.D, Vice Director of the Graduate Program; Prof. Dr. Hj. Like Rascova Octaberlina, M.Ed, Director of the International Office; and Muhammad Khafid, also from the International Office. They were received by Joshua Shen, the Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Consulate General.

The discussions held during this significant meeting led to the formulation of several collaborative programs which align with the Tri Dharma of Higher Education—incorporating education, research, and community service. 

One of the main outcomes includes setting up guest lectures by experts aligned with UIN Malang’s academic disciplines. These lectures aim to update students and faculty on the latest scientific and academic advancements from the United States and globally.

Furthermore, there are plans to implement exchange programs involving both faculty and students between UIN Malang and various American educational institutions. Such exchanges are designed to enhance the academic capabilities and potentials of participants from both countries.

Joshua Shen confirmed additional support mechanisms, such as specialized training for students from UIN Malang who wish to continue their education in the United States. Research initiatives are not left behind, with planned academic writing workshops for faculty and students aimed at enhancing their publishing capabilities on an international scale.

The partnership also focuses on community service, agreeing to facilitate visits by leaders from both Islamic and non-Islamic community organizations to the United States. These visits are intended to broaden their perspectives on religious practices and community life in America.

Moreover, UIN Malang has committed to mentoring elite madrasahs in East Java. This mentorship program will include sending madrasah students to the United States to immerse themselves in the American academic, cultural, and religious landscapes. This exposure is expected to elevate their social and academic prowess, equipping them to better handle the challenges of an increasingly globalized world.

The ongoing collaboration between UIN Malang and the U.S. Consulate General in Surabaya is anticipated to bring about significant benefits for both institutions. It aims to cultivate a cadre of well-rounded, globally competent individuals who can contribute towards global welfare and peace, thus fulfilling both entities' visions and missions in the realm of global education and societal development. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rifky Rezfany


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