English Jemaah Haji Indonesia 2018

Biometric Checking of CJH is at Every Embarkation this Year

Selasa, 17 Juli 2018 - 16:48 | 28.98k
ILUSTRATION: Hajj Pilgrimage Examination (JCH) Indonesia with biometric (PHOTO: Elshinta)
ILUSTRATION: Hajj Pilgrimage Examination (JCH) Indonesia with biometric (PHOTO: Elshinta)

TIMESINDONESIA, SOLO – The process of Biometric examination simplify the process of organizing Hajj Indonesia this year. Even though the execution of examination Candidate Hajj Pilgrims (JCH) Indonesia using Biometrics or the examination of data suitability with retina of eyes and fingerprints still had problems.

According to the Head of Public Relations Sub-division of the Indonesian Hajj Management Committee (PPIH) embarkation of Surakarta, Afief Mundzir on the previous hajj pilgrimage, Biometric checking was conducted at arrival airports in Mecca and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This process has needed a long time.

However, in this year of Hajj, the Saudi Arabian government in cooperation with Indonesia moved Biometric checking on every embarkation of origin, so that the immigration inspection process can be finished as fast as possible.

"The goal is to facilitate the journey of hajj pilgrims. After the plane landed in the Holy Land, then the pilgrimage were inspected his passport, and they immediately get on their buses to the dormitory," said Alief in Donohudan Hajj Dormitory, Ngemplak Boyolali on Monday (16 / 2018).

During the inspection process, the Saudi Arabian immigration authorities also directly monitor the process.

Well, embarkation of Surakarta, Central Java, is currently used as pilot project implementation of Biometric examination of hajj implementation in Indonesia.

In this case, Three of all embarkation in Indonesia have applied Biometric examination on Candidate Hajj Pilgrims (JCH), namely embarkation of Surakarta, Jakarta, and Surabaya. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin


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