
Keboen Kopi Karanganjar, Presenting Gayo Wine Coffee in the Middle of Coffee Garden

Kamis, 26 Juli 2018 - 19:51 | 62.84k
Gayo Wine at Keboen Kopi Karanganjar Nglegok Subdistrict, Blitar Regency. (PHOTO: Nana/TIMES Indonesia)
Gayo Wine at Keboen Kopi Karanganjar Nglegok Subdistrict, Blitar Regency. (PHOTO: Nana/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BLITAR – Enjoying coffee at twilight in the middle of a coffee garden with a height of 800 mdpl of course interesting to try. Especially if the coffee served is Gayo Wine.

Gayo Wine, the coffee tastes of wine. It can only be enjoyed in Keboen Kopi (Coffee Garden) Karanganjar Nglegok District, Blitar regency.


The cafe that is in the middle of this coffee garden presents a Dutch colonial nuance.

Some unique heritage buildings still exist. The interior inside the cafe was dominated by vintage collections. Like gramophone, old school radio up to chairs with ancient teak design and materials.


Fresh air on the slopes of Mount Kelud is increasingly comfortable, in a calm cafe atmosphere. The soft music of oldies brings more memories to the past. Moreover the waitress of the cafe is originally native European. It really enjoys coffee in the Dutch era.

Moreover, visitors of Keboen Kopi Karanganjar also can explore to various other buildings. Such as Heritage Museum, Museum of Mblitaran and Museum of Purna Bhakti. Why is it called museum Purna Bhakti? because in this room contains objects used by Heri Noegroho as the owner of kebun Kopi Karanganyar. Heri is a former of Blitar Regent.


In the area of ​​250 hectares, you can enjoy other various  tourist spots. There is play ground, out bond, camping, horse riding and shooting. It is likely, we will not satisfy enjoy the natural atmosphere here only in a day. You don't need to worry, the lodging at affordable prices is ready to be a place of rest while enjoying Gayo Wine at night. (*)

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Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan
Sumber : TIMES Indonesia


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