Universitas Ma Chung Focuses on Developing Character Building and Leadership Skills

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Universitas Ma Chung Malang celebrated the 11th Dies Natalis on 7th July 2018. Since it was established, Universitas Ma Chung continues focusing on improving Indonesian education, including creating graduates that have good characters and leadership skills.
The rector of Universitas Ma Chung, Dr. Chatief Kunjaya, said that the older Universitas Ma Chung, the more it strengthens the steps to improve the education. That’s why, various developments, researches, and human resource development continue developing.
“We want to develop the general education that focuses on the character building and leadership skills,” said Chatief, Saturday (7/7/2018).
Chatief mentioned, currently, Indonesia is in need of high-quality young generation. This generation is required to have thinking skills and creativity in solving various problems in the society.
“This knowledge development is crucial in preparing the young generation for the future, because there will be a lot of knowledge that will be collaborated in order to solve various problems in the future,” he added.
In this 11th Dies Natalis, Universitas Ma Chung Malang raised a theme of Leading the Lindsay through Innovations. This theme represents the hope that each member of Universitas Ma Chung is going on the transformation process and developing themselves to face the challenges in this era.
“Both national and international achievements should be attained in order to develop ourselves,” he continued.
Chatief added, during the academic year 2017-2018, several achievements have been attained by Universitas Ma Chung, such as the National First Winner in Indonesian Students Entrepreneurship Expo VII, the National First Winner of Educational Staff of High Achievement from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, and The First Winner of Laboratory Staff of High Achievement in the Level of Private University Coordinator VII of East Java.
Meanwhile on the grant funding, Universitas Ma Chung, which is located in Villa Puncak Tidar N-01, Malang, East Java, has attained various achievements, such as Hibah Program Transfer Kredit Luar Negeri, Hibah General Education, Hibah Penelitian Berbasis Kompetensi, and Hibah Penelitian Produk Terapan. (*)
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Publisher | : Rizal Dani |