
Here’s the Causes of Headache when you’re Hungry

Kamis, 15 November 2018 - 23:34 | 21.62k
Illustration - Headache when eating late (PHOTO: alarab.co.uk)
Illustration - Headache when eating late (PHOTO: alarab.co.uk)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAHunger does not only make the stomach uncomfortable. It can also make us headache. The head will feel heavy and we won't easily think or concentrate. Actually, how can a hungry stomach cause headaches?

Reporting from Boldsky, the cause of headaches triggered by hungry stomach itself is not due to the absence of food, but as an effect of the body that does not get food nutrition.

Moreover, because lack of food then the glucose or blood sugar levels will drop dramatically. This will cause the muscles becoming tense and blood vessels to widen. If you allowed this condition and you don't get any food intake soon, then the head will hurt.

In addition, when blood sugar levels drop dramatically due to the absence of any food intake, the body releases hormones that are expected to be able to balance blood sugar levels again. The presence of this hormone then causes headaches.

Headaches caused by hunger will usually appear on both sides of the head. In addition, we will also feel other symptoms such as pain in the back of the head, a stiff sensation in the forehead, pain in the temples, to the feeling of tension in the shoulder. Headaches that are severe enough will also cause sweat, confusion, fatigue, dizziness, trembling body, and weak body.

To prevent headaches caused by hunger, health experts advise us to maintain a healthy diet. In addition, it's also a good idea not to consume too much carbohydrate food at one time. Be sure to maintain the balance of the protein we consume because this protein intake can relieve headaches when feeling hungry, anxious, stressed, and tense. (*)

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Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan
Sumber : Boldsky


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