
Enjoy the Beauty of Wisata Edukasi Susu Batu

Selasa, 15 Januari 2019 - 09:08 | 293.92k
The atmosphere at Wisata Edukasi Susu Batu (WESB) in Jalan Ir. Soekarno, Beji Village, Junrejo sub-district. (Photo: Ulfa/TIMES Indonesia)
The atmosphere at Wisata Edukasi Susu Batu (WESB) in Jalan Ir. Soekarno, Beji Village, Junrejo sub-district. (Photo: Ulfa/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANGWisata Edukasi Susu Batu (WESB) managed by KUD Batu does not only provide educational tourism for the tourists but also provides beautiful photo spots.

WESB is located in Jalan Ir. Sokearno, Beji Village, Junrejo sub-district, Batu, East Java. This tourism destination is considered as a new place as it was established in the last December.

At WESB, the focus of the education is to show how milk and other dairy products are made, such as cheese and yoghurt.


The visitors are invited to see the process of how milk is made, starting from the process of making dairy milk and UHT milk.

There is also a chocolate factory that shows the visitors the process of chocolate manufacturing.

“There is a green house. In here, the tourists could learn about orchid. The information will be given by the guides that we have here,” said H.M A Sembodo, the Manager off WESB on Monday (14/01/2019).

Almost all of the interiors of WESB have the European concept, particularly Netherlands, as the country is famous for its dairy products.


"The process of making dairy products was initiated by Netherlands. That’s why we use the concept of Netherlandish architecture in this place," added Sembodo.

At WESB, there is a building with Netherlandish style, complete with its windmill. Besides, there is also a beautiful park that can be used as the spot to take photo. There is a Dutch and Japanese costume rental. The rental only costs IDR 25,000. (*)

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Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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