
Museum Angkut Batu, The First Transport Museum in Asia

Rabu, 23 Januari 2019 - 18:03 | 154.64k
Museum Angkut Batu. (PHOTO: TIMES Indonesia)
Museum Angkut Batu. (PHOTO: TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BATU – Batu which can be accesed 30 minutes from Malang also has lots of vacation destination that we need to consider in spending our holidays. One of them is The Museum Angkut Batu or The Transport Museum.

Since it was opened on 2014 this place has never been run out of visitors. There are around 300 collections of classic transportations on this 3,8 ha areas that ready to entertain your eyes when you visit this museum.


This museum gets 5 stars and a good review from iGudes TIMES Indonesia (timesindonesia.co.id) for it gives the visitors the art and cultural sense that blended into an educational and entertainment concept.

“This Museum has complete facilities, very unique and yet so educative. We could find any kind of transportations here, from the old one to the newest,” Ye Rachma a reviewer form iGuides TIMES Indonesia said.


Still according to him, this museum also gives us a unique experience through transaction in a floating traditional market. With all the accommodations provided by this museum, there is no question that this museum worth to get 5 stars reviews from the iGuides Times Indonesia (timesindonesia.co.id)

This museum is open at 12.00 to 20.00. But the ticket stand has been opened since 11.00 am. Its need hours and hours to explore this museum and enjoying their beautiful sceneries, that why make sure that you came there early so you won’t run out of time to enjoy their beauties.

According to cektiket.id the ticket price won’t cost us much. We only need to pay around IDR 70.000 in week days, and IDR 80.000 on weekend. Nevertheless, with all its amazing sceneries, Museum Angkut Batu has also become the first transport museum in Asia. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rochmat Shobirin