
Taste The Very Special Lontong Tjap Go Meh at Hotel Tugu Malang

Selasa, 19 Februari 2019 - 10:33 | 68.14k
Lontong Tjap Go Meh Istimewah, Loempia Oedang, typical recipe for Madame Nancy Kwan and Three-color Round (PHOTO: TUGU HOTEL MALANG)
Lontong Tjap Go Meh Istimewah, Loempia Oedang, typical recipe for Madame Nancy Kwan and Three-color Round (PHOTO: TUGU HOTEL MALANG)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – People of Chinese descent like to celebrate the first full moon of the lunar calendar by eating lontong cap go meh which held today (19/2/2019). The Melati Restaurant of Tugu Hotel Malang also offer you a special dinner with the lontong cap go meh as its main course.

To celebrate the event the Chinese will usually visit each other house and bring some gifts, and they will also letting off lanterns, dancing with dragon effigies and eating lontong cap go meh.

In the Melati restaurant the special lontong cap go meh or rice cake will be served with coconut soup and chicken curry by Mpok, crispy shrimp, spicy chayote, egg with shrimp paste, chicken satay, pickles, koya powder, and melinjo chips.

Along with the lontong cap go meh, Melati restaurant also presents the 3 colors ronde or rice flour and brown sugar dough with ginger ale as its base soup, and special spring rolls filled with shrimp by Madame Nancy Kwan.

You can get this special dinner by IDR 98000 starting today February 19 until March 20, 2019. And you could contact Melati Restaurant of Tugu Hotel at 0341 – 363891 atau 081 13634443 for more information, or check their website on www.tuguhotels.com(*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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