
The Sunan Ampel Mosque Surabaya and Its Unique Architecture

Senin, 27 Mei 2019 - 10:10 | 295.50k
The Sunan Ample Mosque. (Picture by: Sejarah Peradaban Islam)
The Sunan Ample Mosque. (Picture by: Sejarah Peradaban Islam)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – The Sunan Ampel Mosque or Masjid Sunan Ampel Surabaya is one of the oldest mosque in East java. This Mosque is very popular and lost of people visiting this mosque everyday.

As Its name this Mosque was founded by Sunan Ampel or Raden Rachmad Rachmatullah on 1421. Built on Majapahit kingdom time make this mosque adapted several Majapahit design on its architecture (Majapahit was a big Hinduism kingdom at that time).


Each corner of the design of the Mosque symbolize the Islamic values. The three piramide as the roof symbolize the islam, faith, and perfection. The roof is supported by 4 milestones with 17m long made of teak wood.

The size of the milestone symbolize how many rakat in Salah the moslem conducted each day. All 4 milestone still solidly standing and support the Mosque even after more than 600 years.

The more interesting part is there are 48 doors surrounding the mosque and all of them are still on their genuine shape. These doors adapted the Middle East style. The Sunan Ampel Mosque or Masjid SunanTIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – The Sunan Ampel Mosque or Masjid Sunan Ampel Surabaya is one of the oldest mosque in East java. This Mosque is very popular and lost of people visiting this mosque everyday.

As Its name this Mosque was founded by Sunan Ampel or Raden Rachmad Rachmatullah on 1421. Built on Majapahit kingdom time make this mosque adapted several Majapahit design on its architecture (Majapahit was a big Hinduism kingdom at that time).

Each corner of the design of the Mosque symbolize the Islamic values. The three piramide as the roof symbolize the islam, faith, and perfection. The roof is supported by 4 milestones with 17m long made of teak wood.

The size of the milestone symbolize how many rakat in Salah the moslem conducted each day. All 4 milestone still solidly standing and support the Mosque even after more than 600 years.

The more interesting part is there are 48 doors surrounding the mosque and all of them are still on their genuine shape. These doors adapted the Middle East style. The Sunan Ampel Mosque or Masjid Sunan Ampel Surabaya which is located at Jalan Ampel No. 53, Ampel, Semampir, Surabaya been declared to be religious tourism site by the local government since 1972.

Ampel Surabaya which is located at Jalan Ampel No. 53, Ampel, Semampir, Surabaya been declared to be religious tourism site by the local government since 1972. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur