
Gintangan Bamboo Festival 2019 Presents You a Unique Fashion Show

Selasa, 18 Juni 2019 - 01:01 | 65.92k
A talent shows her costume at the Gintangan Bamboo Festival 2019 Banyuwangi. (Picture by: Roghib Mabrur/TIMES Indonesia)
A talent shows her costume at the Gintangan Bamboo Festival 2019 Banyuwangi. (Picture by: Roghib Mabrur/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGIBanyuwangi has never run out of idea on how to attract more visitor to their city. This time they held Gintangan Bamboo Festival 2019 which presented a unique fashion show which located on the road in the middle of the rice field.

Located at Gintangan, Blimbingsari, Banyuwangi, this fashion show not only held in a unique place but also presented some unique costumes. They try to bring up the bamboo which has become the trademark of Gintangan through their costumes.


"We would like to introduce their bamboo product to the world by this Festival, and we will fully support this kind of event for the good shake of all," The Head of Tourism Department of Banyuwangi MY. Bramuda said.


There were around 50 talents performed at the show which wearing a bamboo-based costume. There had been 1km traffic jam due to this Festival. Lots of MSMEs product from bamboo offered along the runaway starting from bag, clutches, vas etc.

Meanwhile, the local government of Banyuwangi will keep trying to introduce the bamboo product to the world. And Gintangan Bamboo Festival 2019 hope to be one of its venue. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan
Sumber : TIMES Banyuwangi


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