TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Are you craving for some another exotic Indonesian food? You better try tiwul and cenil. Both of these food are made of cassava.
Where tiwul is made of the cassava, cenil is made of the cassava starch. Both of them will be taste so delicious if it served with some grated coconut and brown sugar syrup.
"Tiwul is actually a substitute for rice. At then, around 1960th rice was so expensive for us, and people had an idea to make the cassava to be the substitute of it," a historian Heri Priyatmoko said.
Meanwhile, still according to him, Cenil had been introduced earlier on 18th century. This snack has attached either commoners or the royal family's heart in Java at that time.
These historical food has attached on almost Indonesian heart's. You could find Tiwul and Cenil on some conventional market or some traditional concept restaurant. The price is quiet affordable and won't make your wallet cry for it. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sholihin Nur |