
Yahoo Groups will be Shutted Down on October 21st, be Sure You already Secure Your Data

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2019 - 00:19 | 49.36k
Yahoo Groups. (Picture by: techarp.com)
Yahoo Groups. (Picture by: techarp.com)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – After shutting down their instant service the Yahoo Messenger on 2018, Yahoo now will close another of their service the Yahoo Groups on October 21st 2019.

All the content in the Yahoo Groups will be deleted by December 14th. They will erase several features such as user's file, polling, link, picture, folder, database, calendar, chat and all the history.

Since after the day all the user's data will be vanished Yahoo even suggest their users to download and secure their data before the plan is implemented.

According to KompasTekno, users could save their data and document or download it through their regular account or through the Verizon official page.

It's been said that they will send their users some email automatically with an attachment once their data is ready to be downloaded.

Yahoo Groups is a service given from Yahoo to their users which firstly distributed on 1998 and having some maintenance on 2001. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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