
The Getih Getah Gula Klapa Ceremony at Candi Simping Blitar

Rabu, 20 November 2019 - 02:08 | 87.01k
Several lantern that was prepared to light up the Getih Getah Gula Klapa. (Picture by: Sholeh/TIMES Indonesia)
Several lantern that was prepared to light up the Getih Getah Gula Klapa. (Picture by: Sholeh/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BLITARGetih Getah Gula Klapa is a festival to celebrate the anniversary of an ancient kingdom at the time, Majapahit. This festival is an annual event which is managed by the local youth community together with Sulud Sukma community of Blitar.

This festival was held on Sunday (17/11/2019) and took place at the Simping Temple, Blitar. All the people were busy decorating the area nd trying to turn the idea to get the best atmosphere. Some even decorated the area with lanterns.

These lanterns will light up the area of performance beside some lighting and hat has been provided by the management. There was also a stage purposely built for those who would perform on the occasion.

Rahmanto Adi, the project manager of the event said that the Festival will be held on a open theater concept. Some local artist will open the show and hype up the Festival.

"There will also several local youth that will bring the Majapahit flag and heirlooms in to the temple after taken for a parade," Anto said.

Getih Getah Gula Klapa festival took Cucuk Lampah (First Step) as their theme of the year. This was hope to be a good beginning for the community to introduce the Simping Temple site a s tourist destination in Blitar to the world.(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok
Sumber : TIMES Blitar


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