
Cemoro Sewu Gate Has Now Been Reopened for Public

Senin, 13 Januari 2020 - 01:21 | 90.78k
Cemoro Sewu Gate, Magetan. (Picture by: M Kilat Adinugroho/TIMES Indonesia)
Cemoro Sewu Gate, Magetan. (Picture by: M Kilat Adinugroho/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, MAGETANCemoro Sewu gate, a doorway for most of the hikers who would love to hike to the Lawu Mountain Magetan, East Java is now reopened for public after being closed temporarily due to a bad weather.

The gate was officially being reopened on Friday (10/1/2020). "The weather around has come to normal, so the gate has been ready to be used," The Manager of Resort Pemangkuan Hutan (RPH) Sarangan, Kholil said.


However, the gate is only opened for certain time starting from 06.00 to 15.00 local western time. In addition to another bad weather, the management asked all the hikers to be aware of suspicious signs of bad weather to keep them safe.

"The gate will be closed in the evening, and they only allowed to hike in the day for their safety," the manager added.

Due the bad weather, not only Cemoro Sewu gate which was being closed since Friday (3/1/2020). Several other gates connected to Lawu Mountain Magetan was also closed for several days for the sake of the hikers themselves. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani