Boon Pring Awarded with Malang Raya Creative Tourism

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Malang has dozens new born tourist attraction for over a year. Boon Pring which was also built in 2019 has gained so much attention from the public.
Located at Jalan Kampung Anyar, Sanankerto, Turen, Malang this tourism village also begin its journey from a financial aid from local government.
Boon Pring in the local term means as bamboo forest. This place has a distinctive feature than any regular tourism village by highlighting the bamboo patched all around the area.
Formerly, the local community took bamboo from this place and used it to renovate their house or just use it as firewood for them to cook.
But now, since the local government turned this area into tourist destination, the local community becoming more aware on the value of the bamboo itself especially when it's alive.
In the middle of the forest, you could find a pond with fresh water spring that you could use to freshen your tired face. The water came from 6 local spring water around the forest.
Some other attraction such as flying fox, pedal boat, pool, flower bed, and several shade to rest are added and make this look even more perfect.
A very affordable admission fee make this place become one favorite place for most of people to spend their day off. You only need to pay around IDR 5 K for children and IDR 10 K for adult to enter this place.
For all these reason, Boon Pring is worth to be granted with Malang Raya Creative Tourism of TIMES Indonesia Award 2019.
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan |