
Bookworm Heaven: Pasar Buku Wilis Malang, Where You Can Get All the Book You Wanted

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2020 - 05:17 | 128.09k
Hundreds of bookshop line up at Pasar Buku Wilis. (FOTO: Benaya/TIMES Indonesia)
Hundreds of bookshop line up at Pasar Buku Wilis. (FOTO: Benaya/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Do you love conservative reading? Holding a big binding of novel or a thick reference book on your hand? Well, Pasar Buku Wilis Malang could be your perfect place to go.

Wilis is a name of a street which is located in Malang. This street is filled with hundreds of bookshop lining up and offers you any book you look for. You could even look for second hand book, or an old book that has no longer published in this place.


Some people also said that this place also has a counterfeit book. "People is free to say whatever they want, but in real, we always deal with the publisher and have the book from them," Heru, the PR of Pasar Buku Wilis (Wilis Bookshops) said.

In another occasion the guy also explained that Pasar Buku Wilis has almost all the book the customers need. The cost is also lower than average bookstore. You could find either the newest, the most popular, or even the oldest with a fragile bending.

"The quality is not far different to the bookstore. You could spend hours on this place just to check the book you want and the shopkeeper will do you no protest and will serve you with a smile," Larasati Sumantari, a local customer said.

Pasar Buku Wilis Malang has been established since 2003 and never been run out of customers. They have their very own loyal customers starting from the kids to the older. There around 63 bookshops that will offer you magnificent book once you step your feet in this area. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan