
Two Hungarian Artists Exhibit Their Work of Art at Raos Gallery Batu

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2020 - 04:07 | 92.92k
Several visitors admiring the marvelous arts of Juliana and Omarah at Ras Gallery Batu. (Photo: Muhammad Dhani Rahman/TIMES Indonesia) 
Several visitors admiring the marvelous arts of Juliana and Omarah at Ras Gallery Batu. (Photo: Muhammad Dhani Rahman/TIMES Indonesia) 
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BATU – Two Hungarian artists joined an exhibition in Raos Gallery Batu, East Java. They put 5 of their arts to be displayed on the exhibition along with several arts of the local artists.

The exhibition which took Expressing Friendship Thought Art stole the public attention and got so much of visitors in each day.



Juliana and Omarah, the two Hungarian artists picked 5 of their arts which tells about the art that has no boundaries.

Their painting also implies that art could strengthen the bound between one another even between two completely different countries.


There are several other local artists joining the event such as Achmad Yunus, Anwar, Joeari S, Fadjar Djunaidi, Hary Van Zhireng, Hendung Tunggal Jati, Hery Poer, Julliana, and Mollpony.

Noer Kholis, Omara, Prie Wahyuono, Rachmatika Maharani, Riyanto Sinyo, Sugeng Kleming, Supri Picaso, Sholig Robbot, Taufiq and Yusfianto as an active local artists also joined the event.

"They are wonderful, The Hungarian artists inspired me to learn to draw," Miranda, a local students said while visiting the exhibition at Raos Gallery Batu. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.

Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki