
Top Five Marine Tourism Attractions in Lamongan

Kamis, 27 Februari 2020 - 01:01 | 107.55k
Joko Mursodo beach, Lamongan. (PHOTO: Exclusive)
Joko Mursodo beach, Lamongan. (PHOTO: Exclusive)

TIMESINDONESIA, LAMONGAN – The northern area of Lamongan in Jawa Timur is the heaven of tourism attractions. The villages scattered around the area of Pantura, Lamongan, have a huge range of tourism potential, starting from natural tourisms to educational tourisms. All of these tourism attractions are managed in the program called Desa Wisata Bahari or Dewi Bahari.

Several villages in Pantura have a favorable prospect to be included in the program, MS Heru Widi, the Head of Fishery Department of Lamongan, said.

“There are five favorable marine tourism attractions that are ready to develop,” said Heru.

Even one of the marine tourism attractions, Kutang Beach in Labuhan Village in Lamongan, to be exact, has been the most favorite tourism destination in Lamongan. “Besides, Labuhan Village also has Kampung Kerapu,” he said.

There are three other marine tourism attractions, namely Tunggu Beach in Tunggul Village, Klayar Beach in Sidokelar Village, Paciran sub-district, Joko Mursodo Beach in Lohgung Village, Brondong sub-district, and German Fishing Spot in German Village, Sugio sub-district.

Desa Wisata Bahari is a program of development initiated by the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (KKP). This is a program by the Fishery Department of Lamongan as the real contribution to the village development, Heru said.

Dewi Bahari is the national term from the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries. Then, every region is responsible to add their own name according to the name of the village itself,” he said.

The program of Desa Wisata Bahari is expected to boost the development of Pantura, Lamongan, particularly in the sector of coastal economy, which is also supported by the tourism. “It needs to be developed in order to support the local economy,” he stated.

Aside from tourism, the local economy is also supported by the new innovations in culinary and handicrafts.

“The local economy will focus on developing the SMEs that sell marine products and ocean-themed crafts, fish, fishermen, and the coastal life,” he stated.

The new marine tourism attractions in the program of Desa Wisata Bahari is expected to be the icon of Lamongan, especially in the area of Pantura, Heru continued. (*)

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Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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