'Durian Kanjeng': A Special Durian for the Nobles at Kampung Durian Ponorogo

TIMESINDONESIA, PONOROGO – Who does not know Durian Ngebel Ponorogo in East Java? Nowadays, Durian Kanjeng, the special durian for the nobles in the 1800s, is also available in Ponorogo.
“Durian Kanjeng is a special durian meant for the nobles,” said Bambang Subagyo, the founder of Kampung Durian at Ngrogong Village, Ngebel, Ponorogo.
In 2007, the durian fruit from this region became the first winner in East Java, according to Primatani. Then, in 2012, after obtaining the legal certification of superior-quality durian from the Director General of Horticulture, this Kampung Durian was established as the natural tourism attraction, the nursery center, and the marketing center of Durian Kanjeng.
Bambang told TIMES Indonesia about the potential and the high-class position of Durian Kanjeng. The last tree of this durian had been 130 years old. However, thanks to the aid and support from the program of the Ministry of Agriculture and Director General of Horticulture, finally, Durian Kanjeng could be re-cultivated.
As a result, in 2016, the cultivation had born a fruit. The taste of the fruit is as delicious as it used to be with the same characteristics, soft texture, and not fibrous.
“Since 2017, Kampung Durian has been selling Durian Kanjeng as well as its products, such as Kue Bolu, Kolak, Dodol, and Jadah,” said Bambang Subagyo.
However, the long dry season in 2019 became the main cause of yield decline by 80% compared to the previous year. Bambang stated that the main obstacle was the lack of water, which caused the plants to stop growing optimally.
“Durian Kanjeng has a very soft texture. There is no remaining flesh of the fruit on the seeds when I eat it,” Edi, one of the visitors from Nganjuk, said. (*)
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Publisher | : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan |