TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Muslim women living in countries in Southeast Asia such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Singapore have special clothing for prayer. The clothes are called Mukena.
Mukena is loose sized clothing that shows only the face and hands of Muslim women. Some Muslim women prepare mukena in their bags so they can pray anywhere. It's not that their outfit aren't good enough for praying. NO!!!
As living in such tropical country, people even the woman will sweat alot. And they are afraid that their clothes will get dirty and not qualified enough to be used as a prying clothes. That's why these moslim women need some mukena.
However, there are several tips for you to choose your perfect mukena for praying especially for this tropical country according to General Manager Label Mukena Tazbiya, Addiniya Nurfarojandari.
1. The fabric
Choose a non transparent fabric yet comfortable in your skin. Thise fabric that feel cold on your skin such as cotton, rayon, silk, might be the best since you are living in this humid, hot tropical country.
2. Motifs
Your character will describe the motifs you choose. Nowadays, mukena has been printed and made in various motif, printing, lace, cartoon, all depends on your taste and need.
3. Size
The perfect size of mukena will surely affecting your comfort ability during praying. A loosen mukena will make you hard to move. As well those with smaller size will reveal your skin and tou surely don't want it right?
4. Price
Money talks. Nah!! Sometimes you just have to be smart enough to spend your money on the right thing, even if you have more than you need. A good brand doesn't always provide a good quality. So you better watch it and pick your mukena carefully so you won't waste your money for nothing. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok |