
These 4 Magnificent Beverages are Perfect to Accompany You During Rainy Season

Selasa, 26 Mei 2020 - 05:13 | 41.78k
Angsle, the delicious tangy ginger taste of beverage to accompany you during rainy season. (Credit to: Shutterstock)
Angsle, the delicious tangy ginger taste of beverage to accompany you during rainy season. (Credit to: Shutterstock)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTARainy season has struck several area in Indonesia, or may so does your country. Yet we have a list of several wonderful beverages to accompany you during rainy season or may be winter.

Here are they:

1. Angsle


Angsle is a beverage originally came from Yogyakarta, Central Java. It's made of several ingredients angsle also made of ginger, lemongrass, brown sugar, and coconut milk. There are also some bread, tapioca pearl, sticky rice, green beans and roasted peanuts. This drink is so delicious to be enjoyed when its warm.

2. Jamu Kebonagung


This drink is such a popular drink of Pasuruan, East Java. It's made of pepper, cradamom, chili, clove, nutmeg, lemongrass and brown sugar. You could served it during summer with ice cube or warm during winter. So invigorating.

3. Wedang Pokak


This drink is originally came from Probolinggo, East Java. Wedang Pokak is one of the traditional drink made from a mixture of sugar, ginger, anise and other spices are blended to produce a particular drink. it believes to be able to cure your headache, cure your sprue and makes your body warm during winter.

4. Wedang Jaselang


Wedang jaselang made from those spices such as ginger pepper, cinnamon, evergreen leaves, and cardamom. This beverages also use reeds. It's good to boost your immune system and a perfect companion during this Rainy season. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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