English New Normal Life 2020

Aston Inn Hotel Gresik is Ready for New Normal

Rabu, 10 Juni 2020 - 07:40 | 77.62k
Aston Inn Gresik staff welcoming the guests with a face shield as to follow the Covid-19 protocol standard. (Photo: Aston Inn Hotel Gresik for TIMES Indonesia)
Aston Inn Gresik staff welcoming the guests with a face shield as to follow the Covid-19 protocol standard. (Photo: Aston Inn Hotel Gresik for TIMES Indonesia)

New Normal Life 2020

Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, GRESIKAston Inn Hotel Gresik has set their hotel with Covid-19 protocol standard. It means that they absolutely ready to welcome the new normal regulation. They already added several equipment for the protocol to assure their guest convenience, safety and satisfaction.

They already put a sink for their guest to wash their hand before stepping their feet onto the hotel floor. They also asked every of their guest to wear a mask for their own safety. They also need to pass though disinfect chamber to clean themself form any chance of sticking virus. Last but not least, their body temperature will be measured before entering the hotel to make sure that they have a good condition.


“We have set this kind of standard long before the local government order us to do so,” GM Aston Inn Gresik Paminta Nugraha said on Sunday (8/6/2020). The hotel now is appointed by the local government to join a competition in dealing with the new normal life hold by Ministry of Internal Affairs of Indonesia.

The staff also consecutively disinfect the hotel area especially the public area. The aso have an online booking services for those who would like to stay at their hotel. The guests could get a minimum contact or contactless services by taking and put back the key at the drop box, and barcode scanner for their Wi-Fi and restaurant menus.

Not only that, all the staff and employee were ordered to wear mask, hand gloves, and face shield for their safety. They also put hand sanitizer in every corner of the hotel. For a safety, Aston Inn Hotel Gresik also served their food in buffet style so the guests will have minimum contact with the employees. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan