
Get the Exotic Scenery of Pulau Merah and De Djawatan of Banyuwangi

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2020 - 04:24 | 33.40k
Pulau Merah Beach, Banyuwangi. (PHOTO: Agung Sedana/TIMES Indonesia)
Pulau Merah Beach, Banyuwangi. (PHOTO: Agung Sedana/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BANYUWANGIPulau Merah Beach and De Djawatan Banyuwangi will be reopened soon. These two enchanting tourist destinations planned to be reopened not more than three days from now, which will be on Monday (15/6/2020). By that time, you will be able to enjoy all beautiful sceneries of these two places have.

These two tourist destinations are two iconic destination in Banyuwangi. Pulau Merah with its exotic pink sand will surely mesmerize your eyes. It also has the best unforgettable sunset view that you will remember for the rest of your life once you saw it.


De Djawatan in another hand, is a natural untouched forest which resemble one of the forests in the Lord of The Ring movie. Such a fairy tale that came true. This forest will surely make your day even just to lay under the tree.

However, to access in you will need to protect yourself with mask. The management will also apply some Covid-19 protocol standard for all their visitors that come to their place. Both De DJawatan and Pulau Merah beach management has provided several pubic facilities such as sink at the entrance, thermal gun and lots of hand sanitizer corner at their area.

The management of both tourist destinations will also put their staff on duty to check the situation and reminds all the people not gathered in one place. They will also need to disinfect their area daily to make sure that the place are virus free.

“We have lots of enchanting tourist destinations in Banyuwangi. Yet, for now we will only let these two places (Pulau Merah Beach and De Djawatan) open since thy have fulfilled our need, by installing all equipments that eeded for CIvid-19 protocol standard,” The ADM Perhutani KPH Soouth Banyuwangi, Nur Budi Susety said on Thursday (11/6/2020). (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki