
Kampung Kerbau, a Beautiful New Tourist Attraction in Situbondo East Java

Senin, 29 Juni 2020 - 00:34 | 125.10k
A small beautiful canal with its natural scenery at Kampung KErbau in Situbondo, East Java.  (Photo: Uday/TIMES Indonesia)
A small beautiful canal with its natural scenery at Kampung KErbau in Situbondo, East Java. (Photo: Uday/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, SITUBONDO – Situbondo, East Java introduces one new tourist attraction to pamper all the local community to welcome new normal. The new tourist attraction was so called Kampung Kerbau which literally means as Buffalo Village in English.  

Located at Pecinan Village, Mangaran, Situbondo East Java this place offers a beautiful natural view of canal and its surrounded scenery. This place was formerly used by the local community as a buffalo pasture. And that’s where the name of the place was taken from.



The canal which also directly connected to the ocean was merely used as a fish pool. But now, as you can see, dozens of people will come to visit this place for its beauty especially in the evening. They came to enjoy the beautiful sunset this place has provided.

“This place has an amazing scenery. It feels like we are living in a new place, a new village of our own,” a local visitor from Dawuhan, Daniar Riski Magfirah said while enjoying the beauty of Kampung Kerbau on Saturday (27/6/2020).


Beside the beauty of the evening sunset, there are also hundreds of Javan pond heron flock to their nest in the evening. This would be a rare wonderful experience to get especially if you lived in the city.

Kampung Kerbau (Buffalo Village) Situbondo, East Java will give you a beautiful cool and calm evening ambience which worth to see. So, don’t be hesitate to put it in your itinerary list. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani