
Nasi Jinggo, Another Balinese Fast Food with Extraordinary Taste

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2020 - 05:21 | 184.46k
Sufyan after sering his customers who wants his Nasi Jinggo. (Photo: Instagram/alikitchen.id)
Sufyan after sering his customers who wants his Nasi Jinggo. (Photo: Instagram/alikitchen.id)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, DENPASARJinggo rice (or Nasi Jinggo) is such kind of Balinese fast food usually wrapped in banana leaf and served in a small portion. You could easily find this food as one of street food in Bali. Nasi Jinggo usually also served on religious ceremonies such as cremation, birthday celebrations, and meetings.

The name of Nasi Jinggo was taken from Hokkien (Chinese) language Jeng Go which means one thousand and five hundred. This was because before the financial crisis of 1997, Nasi Jinggo were only cost around IDR 1,5 K per serving.  


Now, the price approximately less than a dollar or around IDR 8 K to IDR 15 K. a pack of Nasi Jinggo will contain fist of white rice with side dishes and sauce. The side dishes usually will be about sambal goreng tempe, serundeng and shredded chicken.

Nowadays, the seller will also use yellow rice and sometimes changed the chicken into beef or pork as Bali has numerous of visitors.

If you would like to have a pack of Nasi Jinggo you could go to Jalan Teuku Umar Barat, Denpasar, Bali. There is a guy named Sufyan who offers his Nasi Jinggo at the side walk wearing a suit just like a hotel manager.

You could have a pack of affordable yet with amazing taste of this Balinese cisine of Nasi Jinggo (Jinggo Rice) Bali to pamper your growling belly. So, what are you waiting for? (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan