UIN Malang Granted as One of Work Unit with the Best Public Service Innovation

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – UIN Malang granted as one of working unit with the best public service innovation amongst twelve other work units in Indonesia. This category was given by Ministry of Religious Affair to appreciate all their efforts for the sake of the country.
The Ministry of Religious Affair grants them the award for two of their innovation in Budget Reporting, Information and Realization System and Koin Mami Kelor UIN Malang for their immunity innovation during the pandemic.
“Let’s start some innovation and being more creative by thinking out of the box especially during this pandemic,” Acting as Secretary General of Ministry of Religious Affair, Nizar said.
Still according to him, he also hopes that there will be more new innovations created by all working unit in Ministry of Religious Affair for the community. “Its good to see these working units coming with their innovation,” he added.
By being nominated as one of working unit with the best public service innovation surely will make UIN Malang encourage their university to be better and better in the future. this university will always try to bring more new innovation for the sake of their university as well as the country. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sofyan Saqi Futaki |