
West Sumatra and Its Hidden Paradises

Minggu, 19 Juli 2020 - 05:02 | 43.48k
Illustration: Living root bridge in Padang, West Sumatra. (PHOTO: Shutterstock)
Illustration: Living root bridge in Padang, West Sumatra. (PHOTO: Shutterstock)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, PADANGWest Sumatra, the most western province in Indonesia offers hundreds of beautiful places to visit. This province also offers thousands of exotic local dishes that surely worth to try.  Little did you know, in 1948, Bukittinggi one of the biggest cities in West Sumatera was even appointed as the capital city of Indonesia. There are also lots of amazing things you need to find out in this city. Let's check it out.

1. Fancy public transportation

When normally a public transportation will just look plain and boring, angkot a local public transportation in this place has been modified and designed as fancy as could be. Some even modified just like racing car, with fancy seat. However, all of them will offer you a loud music just like when you have a party.


2. Rendang

Rendang has been acknowledged as the best food in the world. Gordon Ramsay even coming to West Sumatra for this food and learn from the master. This food has become one most wanted to try food by the foreigner once they step their feet in this country.

3. 100 years living root bridge

For those who loves some natural living, West Sumatra has a wonderful living root bridge which has been built since more than years ago. This is such a wonderful thing to see.

Beside the living root bridge there are also lies another tourist attraction such as beaches, paragliding, and another natural tourist attractions.

4. Ikan Bilih or bream fish of Singkarak Lake

Bream is a common fish in either salt or fresh water. It has silvery color, elongated and flat shape. The local community of West Sumatra catch this fish a lot in Singkarak Lake. They even dry it up to be added on certain dishes to add the flavour. Don't forget to get a bag of this fish at the local market once you visit this place. (*)


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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Satria Bagus