Meet RAMA, a Robot Which Will Take Over Medical Professionals Place

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – A set of team of Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines) Central Java creates a wonderful robot that aimed to help the medical professionals in dealing with their job and duty. This robot named as RAMA, a short name for Robot Asisten Medis Autonomus.
RAMA is designed to help the medical professional taking care of the patient especially those who got exposed by Covid-19. The robot will help the nurse and doctors to deliver the medicine and foods they patient’s need during their treatment.
"I was expecting a robot with humanoid body which has hand and feet, but then this tray robot came and surprises me," Ganjar Pranowo, The Governor of Central Java said on Sunday (19/7/2020).
The governor also observes the way the robot works. The robot works through a remote control and will go wherever the you direct him to. The robot also equipped with an 8-inch screen to allow the patients to communicate with doctors or nurses whenever they need.
"To me it’s more to a delivery bot. It will help medical professionals and minimize physical contact between them and the patients, as well to reduce the budget for PPE," he added.
The Polines team also asked for the Central Java governor’s opinion in RAMA. The governor said that the robot will be more complete if they add some censor to open a door automatically. He also hopes that this bot will be able to help all contagious diseases other than Covid-19. (*)
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Editor | : Ronny Wicaksono |
Publisher | : Sofyan Saqi Futaki |