
Giri Palma Villas, a Perfect Guest House in Malang

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2020 - 05:17 | 166.73k
One of Giri Palma Villas accomodation at Tidar Malang. (Photo: Giri Palma Villas)
One of Giri Palma Villas accomodation at Tidar Malang. (Photo: Giri Palma Villas)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Are you looking for an accommodation to stay during you vacation in Malang? Well, Giri Palma Villas could be your best alternative for it. This villa will pamper you with 4-stars hotel service and hospitality as well the accommodation.

Giri Palma Villas brought a guest house with 4-stars Hotel like facilities concept for all their villas. "We have deluxe room with huge space in it. We also has all latex bed that will maintain your comfort ability during your bed time," The Owner Giri Palma Villas, Made Raji Mahendra said on Tuesday (11/8/2020).


Located at Dau, Tidar, Malang, Giri Palma villas has 68 rooms that all equipped with a huge smart tv. All this facilities were meant to pamper all their visitors during their vacation in Malang.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Malang Sanusi which attending the grand opening ceremony appreciates the Villas as one tourist attraction that could bring back the more surge of visitors to Malang. "Congratulation towards the new business. And Good luck," he said in giving Giri Palma Villas a support.

With their new guest house, Giri Palma Villas could be one best alternative to stay in Malang. This place will pamper you with all their heart and treat you like a king or queen. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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