
UIN Maliki Malang Asked Students to Start Their Own Business at Early Age

Kamis, 20 Agustus 2020 - 19:21 | 23.22k
UIN Maliki Malang Asked Students. (Foto: Chatelia Noer Cholby/TIMES Indonesia)
UIN Maliki Malang Asked Students. (Foto: Chatelia Noer Cholby/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – On the day of his inauguration to be one of Respected Professors of UIN Maliki Malang (UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim) Prof. Wahidmurni through his speech takes all the students of UIN Malang to start their business from an early age.

The inauguration party was held at the 5th floor of UIN Malang’s main building on Wednesday (19/8/2020). "Becoming an entrepreneur has become a pop culture nowadays especially for graduate students," Wahidmurni said.


He also added that entrepreneurship has become one major topic on his dissertation. It has also becomes one of his field of expertise in gaining his position he has right now.  

Wahidmurni also hopes that UIN Malang could create more entrepreneurs or at least more graduate that can apply their knowledge to face the real world.  

"As we grow older, we will face more issues in our life (in economy), and we need to have good skill of an entrepreneur for this," he added.

The party was closed for only 60 guests. On the occasion, the Rector of UIN Maliki Malang gave him a huge photograph as a present to congratulate him on gaining his position as one Respected Professor at the university. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok
Sumber : TIMES Malang