
Sendratari Ramayani, a Javanese Ballet with More than 34 Thousands Online Viewers

Selasa, 08 September 2020 - 04:22 | 65.98k
The actors dance on the stage as Sendratari Ramayana goes online. (PHOTO: Pramesti Mutiara/TIMES Indonesia)
The actors dance on the stage as Sendratari Ramayana goes online. (PHOTO: Pramesti Mutiara/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTASendratari Ramayana is one spectacular show that holds annually. The show usually held in an outdoor amphitheater against the back drop of magnificent Prambanan Temple Yogyakarta. Yet, during this pandemic this show has to limit the number of audience and choose to relay it online.

Lots of people willing to witness the spectacular performance and enjoy the beauty of the landscape though it has to be online. There are more than 35 thousand people joining the show online on their YouTube account @BorobudurPark.

Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan is an Epic performance that tells the story of the Ramayana. For foreign tourists, this show is better known as the Ramayana Ballet because of its similarity to the concept of classical European ballet.


Ramayana is an Epic story in Hinduism that was adopted into Javanese culture. The story revolves around Rama’s attempt to save his wife Sinta, who was kidnapped by Rahwana, King of Alengka. In his efforts, Rama got help from Hanuman and the ape troops. In the end, Rama proved victorious with the death of Rahwana by Rama’s powerful arrow.

Sendratari is a portmanteau of seni drama dan tari which means drama and dance art. In essence, Ramayana Prambanan is a show that combines dance and drama to tell a story without using any dialogue.

Although it is a held in a full Javanese traditional concept, over time, various modern properties such as lighting displays and pyrotechnics were also used in this show. This time, the ballet involves 60 actors and actresses along with 20 gamelan musicians.  

This time, Sendratari Ramayana Prambanan was held to commemorate the 71th diplomatic relationship between India-Indonesia. The online viewers of the ballet are not only coming from domestic viewers but also hundreds of foreigners especially from India. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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