
Chingoo Your Best Korean Food Restaurant

Rabu, 09 September 2020 - 03:24 | 123.70k
Toppoki Original, one of Korean dish served at Chingoo. (PHOTO: Dokumentasi Chingoo)
Toppoki Original, one of Korean dish served at Chingoo. (PHOTO: Dokumentasi Chingoo)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Are you crazy about Korean food? Well, you need to visit Chingoo, a Korean food restaurant located at Jalan Jalan Puncak No.5, Malang, East Java. You could find this restaurant easily for it has a big board with its name on it.

This restaurant has almost all Koran food that has been popular recently. Those foods are Toppoki Original, Seafood Toppoki, and Curry Toppoki. They are served in a big size of speciality platter.



These foods will be served in a big size you could take your family or friend to enjoy the food with you. You could have a date with your friend or spend your time together with your family in this hot summer while enjoying their tasty delicious Korean food.

In addition, they also have Korean spicy chicken wings and feets with tons of cheese poured and mix in the sauce. You could also have their tasty Bingsu (shaved ice) for the dessert. It served in lots of variant of toppings such as sweet red beans, fruits, oreo and many more. 


Chingoo will surely satisfy you with all Korean food and lighten up your day. Beware, you might do another visit next time for you have been enchanted with the taste of the food. For more information about this restaurant you could check their Instagram account at @chingooid. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur