
Tirtajadi Hotel Karangkobar Nestled in the Hill with Magnificent View

Senin, 14 September 2020 - 05:26 | 53.56k
The view of Tirtajadi Hotel, Karangkobar, Banjarnegara, Central Java from the third floor of the hotel. (PHOTO: Muchlas Hamidi/TIMES Indonesia)
The view of Tirtajadi Hotel, Karangkobar, Banjarnegara, Central Java from the third floor of the hotel. (PHOTO: Muchlas Hamidi/TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, BANJARNEGARATirtajadi Hotel of Karangkobar, Banjarnegara, Central Java could be an alternative to stay if you happened to go around this place. With an enchanting view on their balcony, this hotel is such a worth place to spend your days at this city.

The lush of green trees and the beautiful city view will follow wherever your eyes go while you were on their third floor. This hotel also has a multipurpose room that you could use for meeting. This room could accommodate around 200 people at a time.


Beside the meeting room, the hotel which situated on 1 hectare area is also equipped with several other facilities such as futsal field, huge parking lot and watch post on their 2nd and 3rd floor to enjoy the scenery around.

“This hotel was built to help the local community to find their job. As well to accommodate those people who would like to spend their time while enjoying the beauty of Dieng Plateau,” Karjadi, the owner of the hotel said on Saturday (12/9/2020).

You could spend a night at this wonderful hotel for IDR 200 K – IDR 250 K/night. Tirtajadi Hotel of Karangkobar, Banjarnegara, Central Java will pamper you with 4 x 4,5 meters room equipped with hot shower and breakfast for two.  (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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