
The World’s Most Expensive Spices, Check Them Out!

Sabtu, 26 September 2020 - 05:40 | 46.48k
Saffron, one of the world’s most expensive spices. (Photo: Alodokter)
Saffron, one of the world’s most expensive spices. (Photo: Alodokter)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Black pepper has sat on its throne for ages. But now, as cultivation increased and black pepper became a household staple around the world its price subsequently dropped. Today, black pepper is somehow so much approachable in price. But now, the question is, what are the world’s most expensive spices?

Well, taken from several trusted source, we will give you 3 of them. Let’s check those fancy spices out.

1. Saffron

Saffron is the most expensive spice s of all. Its price range from $25000 to $40000 depends on its grade or quality. The question is, how come it so expensive? Well, that’s because to harvest saffron, you need a time and so much patient. It’s a labor intensive work. A kilogram of saffron requires 250.000 purple crocus flowers and each flower only has 3 stamens.

The flower only bloom for a week twice in a year. And its only bloom in the morning so the labor need to wake up early, an exact timing and precision. And to pick a kilogram of saffron needs more than 600 hours of labor with delicate touch.

2. Vanilla

Sit as the queen, vanilla is the second most expensive spice in the world. Madagascar is the famous habitat for this sweet taste and smell spice. However, compared to saffron vanilla is so much approachable. The price ranges to $6500 or 10 million rupiah for a kilogram of grade A quality. But for local vanilla, the price could be so much affordable.

3. Cardamom

While it is less expensive than saffron and vanilla, cardamom is by no means a cheap spice. There are two varieties: brown and green. Brown cardamom has an earthier flavor with a pleasant smokiness. Both are excellent for preparing chai tea or curry but green cardamom is especially delicious in desserts.

You could have them for IDR 300 K local brown cardamom. Bur it will cost much more expensive when it comes to abroad. On the online shop they sold it for $600 or so. Well, all these world’s most expensive spices makes some of us raise our eyebrows. But there is nothing wrong to taste these fancy spices. Well, which one of these is in your cabinet? (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan
Sumber : Alo Dokter


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