
Rujak Kelang, Sweet Fruit Salad with Peanut ala Pamekasan Madura

Jumat, 04 Desember 2020 - 02:12 | 91.27k
The spicy look of Rujak Kelang, fruit salad with with peanut sauce of Pamekasan Madura. (Photo: Akhmad Syafi'i/TIMES Indonesia)
The spicy look of Rujak Kelang, fruit salad with with peanut sauce of Pamekasan Madura. (Photo: Akhmad Syafi'i/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, PAMEKASAN – Indonesia has been known with their tasty fruit salad with peanut sauce or which well known by Rujak Buah. Yet, most of the area has their own way to serve their fruit salad. Including the way local community of Madura with their Rujak Kelang.

Rujak Kelang is a common way of local community of Madura who lves in Branta coastal area, Tlanakan, Pamekasan, Madura, East Java. As any other fruit salad this local delicacy made of local tropical fruit such as mango, june plum and papaya.  


Yet what makes it different is that where some people tend to choose shrimp paste to be added into the paste, the local community of Branta will add some broth of boiled fresh salt water fish into it.

Do you imagine some fishy sauce? Uh oh, don’t get it wrong. You won’t have the fishy smell, it will just a nice kicking fresh fish taste on the sauce combined with the sweet and spicy taste of palm sugar and local chili.

Once you dip the fruit into the sauce, you will have no more doubt to say this is the best fruit salad ever. For this reason, lots of people have coming to this place for their Rujak Kelang.

If you happened to visit this place, you need to go to Branta coastal area, Pamekasan, Madura where there are lots of hawkers served this Rujak Kelang. For a set of fruit salad they will charge you for IDR 15 K. (*) 

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani