
Javan Leopard Cub was Born at Meru Betiri National Park

Jumat, 15 Januari 2021 - 03:11 | 92.83k
Javan Leopard. (Photo: Neru Betiri National Park)
Javan Leopard. (Photo: Neru Betiri National Park)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JEMBER – At the beginning of 2021, Meru Betiri National Park brings everyone a good news. A Javan leopard cub was born at the national park which make this Park has around 15 javan leopards till now.

The moment was founded by the time the mother and the cub passing by one of 103 surveillance cameras installed at the park.  This was such a good sign for this species was listed by IUCN as critically endangered since 2008. 


In 2019 Neru Betiri National Park has found 12 Javan leopard or Panthera Pardus Melas  around their area. It is suspected that the good condition of the ecosystem has made this species grow fast for the last two years.

"Its all because of the locals' support  and participation in conserving this national park and all its species in it," Wiratno, the General Director of Conservation of Natural Resources Ecosystem (KSDAE) of Ministry of Environmental and Forestry said on KSDAE official account at Instagram.

The growing number of Javan Leopard around the park also indicates that the number of the prey was also growing. For your information, this leopard usually eat another animals such as porcupine, scaly anteaters, moose and deer.

Meru Betiri National Park is located between two cities in East Java, the Jember and Banyuwangi. Its about 580 km² wide with hundreds of species of animals and plants in it. Despite of originally came from Java, Javan leopard could also be found in Kangean, Nusa Kambangan and Sempu. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki