English UIN Malang

UIN Malang Pharmacist: Turmeric is a Good Remedy for Period Pain

Senin, 15 Februari 2021 - 23:33 | 27.87k
apt. Ginanjar Putri Nastiti, M. Farm, the lecturer of Pharmacy Major of UIN Malang. (PHOTO: Ginanjar Putri Nastiti for TIMES Indonesia)
apt. Ginanjar Putri Nastiti, M. Farm, the lecturer of Pharmacy Major of UIN Malang. (PHOTO: Ginanjar Putri Nastiti for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, MALANG – Have you ever try having a cup of turmeric juice to relieve your period pain? Well if you don't,  you need to listen to what apt. Ginanjar Putri Nastiti, M. Farm, a lecturer of Pharmacy Major at UIN Malang said.

According to Ginanjar, turmeric will help you ease the pain you have in your stomach during your period. It relieves the cramps. "This is a good conventional remedy and has been proven to be able to help you ease your period pain," he said.

Still according to him, the curcumin, remeron, zingiberon, vitamin. C and some other nutrients in it make this herb becomes a magical remedy for your cramps. 

However, you need to consider how many turmeric juice you need to take in a day. consuming turmeric in large amount will just give you some other issue for your body.

Quoting what Ribert Hogt has learned during his research, consuming turmeric juice more than 1500 mg on a day could lead you to have kidney stone. The oxalates in curcumin will trigger this to happen.

However, the reaction will be indifferent to each person. Though so, it is better if you just take it not more than you need and follow what was your doctor said.

Finanjar also said that during menstruation, women should take care of themselves  and give more attention to their diet. They need to change their diet into healthy lifestyle. 

"Consuming some fruits which rich within kalium, vitamin B6, bromine, calcium as well vitamin C such as banana, pineapple, orange, mango, papaya could also helps you relieve period pain," this pharmacist of UIN Malang ended. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Rizal Dani


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