
Get a Nice Offer of Stay at Satoria Hotel Yogyakarta

Senin, 22 Februari 2021 - 03:31 | 69.85k
The Intimate Media Gathering at Santoria Hotel Yogyakarta. (PHOTO: Hendro S.B/TIMES Indonesia)
The Intimate Media Gathering at Santoria Hotel Yogyakarta. (PHOTO: Hendro S.B/TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTASatoria Hotel Yogyakarta has interesting packages to offer. It's all to pamper their guests and customers during thos pandemic. They delivered the package through an intimate media gathering on Friday (19/02/2021).

On their Vue Bar Rooftop Kitchen & Lounge they say that the hotel has interesting packages such intimate wedding package and room voucher. At the same time too they has Ayo Dolan, Ayo Pit-pitan dan Street Food Festival.


For the intimate wedding package, the customers could afford it starting for IDR 6500 K. You could thro  a wedding party on budget yet staying close with your friends and families.

Satoria Hotel a

Meanwhile for the voucher, they have a nice deal for IDR 325 K/night. You could take Ayo Dolan (Let's travel) and Ayo Pit-Pitan (Let's Ride the Bike) package during your stay.

As for the Street Food Festival, they serve it along with the intimate media gathering. However they will served it to their guests and customers as well later. It was all to honor the media that has help them all this long during this hard time of crisis.

During the gathering, as they have committed,  they did it with the new safety protocol. Satori Hotel Yogyakarta only invited 10 journalists to gather with them.

Satoria Hotel Yogyakarta has been labeled with CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety & Environmental Sustainability) from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy.

Satoria Hotel b

It shows that Satoria Hotel Yogyakarta is a proper place to stay during this pandemic. This hotel will welcome everyone that willing to stay at their place and make sure their safety as well comfortably. 

"It has become one stepping stone for us to give the best service and hospitality to our guests to assure they feels comfortable and safe during their stay," Marketing Communications Satoria Hotel Yogyakarta, Tegar Cakra Kanigara said. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.

Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur