
A Brief History of Lumpia Basah, Bandung Rice Paper Rolls

Selasa, 23 Maret 2021 - 04:23 | 119.27k
Lumpia Basah. (Photo: Github)
Lumpia Basah. (Photo: Github)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Lumpia or commonly known as spring rolls has always been a nice treat to serve in a ny occasion. Unlike those spring rolls which is served after deep fried, Lumpia Basah Bandung is served with unfried rice paper, just like those Vietnamese rolls.

But does it has something to do with Vietnam? We don't know for sure, but it's similar. The local community served it in such way with stir fired egg, beensprout and chicken floss wrapped in rice paper rolls.


However, hear said that this delicious treat was firstly introduced by the Chinese. It's associated with some other common Chinese food we could find easily in Indonesia such as Bakmi, Bakso, Nasi Goreng, Kwetiau, Bakmi Goreng and more.

In Bandung, lots of people has this treat to offer. From street vendors to restaurant, Lumpia Basah has become one common food you could find in the city.

However, in certain are, people mostly know only about the spring rolls which is served after being deep fried. The Lumpia Basah in some area in the country could only be found in the city or some Chinese restaurants. 

In some country like Philippines or Viretnam, they will use chopped pork as the filling. But as the Indonesia has the biggest muslim community, the locals tend to have chicken or beef floss as the filling besides the egg or beansprouts. 

In Europe or America, people commonly called this delicious treat as spring rolls, no matter how it served. Whether fresh or dep fried. Although some people would call this delicious dish as summer springrolls, glass springrolls or crystal rolls.

The Australian will call this dish as cold rolls. The European, American or Australian commonly will have some salad wrapped in the rice paper instead of stir fried chicken, beef or pork.

However, no matter how they called it, Lumpia Basah of Bandung will always captivate everyone with it's nice delicious taste supported by the health properties it contains. So, do you eager to have this tempting rice paper spring rolls(*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan