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Experience a Nice Stay at Harris Resort Waterfront Batam

Selasa, 23 Maret 2021 - 05:27 | 30.02k
Nice pool ambience of Harris Resort Waterfront Batam. (Foto-foto: Harris Resort Waterfront Batam for TIMES Indonesia)
Nice pool ambience of Harris Resort Waterfront Batam. (Foto-foto: Harris Resort Waterfront Batam for TIMES Indonesia)

Indonesia Bangkit

Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, BATAM – Bored being at your own house? Or bored of those skyscraper all around without nice scenery? Harris Resort Waterfront Batam could give you the best experience of stay with their nice view.

Located at Marina, Sekupang-Batam, Indonesia, Harris Resort Waterfront will pamper you during your stay. This hotel will be the best place to spend your day off with your family or loved one.


Dila Bachmid, the Marketing & Branding Manager Shared Service Harris Resort Waterfront Batam said that the management has provide fancy facilities to keep you and your loved one feel comfortable during your stay.

Harris Resort Waterfront Batam 2

Harris Resort Waterfront has nice rooms that you could choose during your stay. Harris Room, Harris Room Beach Access, Harris Room Family Room, Harris Family Room Pool Access, and Harris Suite Room, one of them will be the right choices to choose.

“Each room has king or twin bed options. And for family room we have extraordinary bunk bed for your kids," Dila Bachmid, the Marketing & Branding Manager Shared Service Harris Resort Waterfront said.

Harris Resort Waterfront also has an affordable rate that you could have starting from IDR 450 K. What a nice price for such nice 4 star hotel. "We have varied room rate that you could choose during your weekend," Dila added.

Harris Resort Waterfront Batam 3

Yo add more satisfaction, Harris Resort Waterfront also equipped the hotel with spa, fitness center, Dino Kid's Club, pool table, beach volley court, basketball court, badminton court, and more.

This fancy hotel has 5 restaurants to with different themes that lies indoor or outdoor. Those are Harris Cafe, H-Grill, Monkey Bar, H-Backyard, Harris Juice Bar, and Sunken Pool Bar.

Yo find out more about Harris Resort Waterfront Batam package and offers you could find them at https://bit.ly/HARRISWATERFRONTmarina or call them at  +62 778-381888. 

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur