
Do You Wonder How Papaya Chips Taste? Check This Out!

Rabu, 07 April 2021 - 05:14 | 44.80k
Yeni Wahyuni turns papaya into crispy chips. (Photo: Yeni for TIMES Indonesia) 
Yeni Wahyuni turns papaya into crispy chips. (Photo: Yeni for TIMES Indonesia) 

TIMESINDONESIA, BLITAR – As tropical country, Indonesia is rich within tropical fruits. And sometimes it has an excess amount which will only be a waste 8f it didn't process well. Including what happened in Blitar, a local girl turn the excess papaya into papaya chips.

Yeni Wahyuni, the girl who lives at  Darungan, Selorejo, Blitar put her concern towards to papaya left or those which for some reason couldn't be distributed after being harvested.

Lots of local community plants papaya on their farm. Some will be distributed to neighborhood cities. But some are shorted off and sometime couldn't fit the standard for its too small or else.


Yeni then has an idea to turn those papaya into nice delicious tasty chips. She takes the unripe papaya, peel it off, rinse off, and then slice it and put it dry under the sun. After it's dry, she will dip the papaya into a batter and deep fry it.

It doesn't need lots of effort to make it. Usually just to spare a little time in a day to create this tasty chips. "(The process) is so easy. After it's ready I put it in the spinner (to dry out the oil)," Yeni said.

Since she first made it, Yeni has gained so many order for the chips. They love the taste and come back for more orders.  To them, it's a new taste and new way to enjoy papaya.

On a day, Yeni could make around 200 to 300 packas of Papaya chips. You could have a pack of this papaya chips for IDR 12 K. "Thanks God, the order increased during this Eid Al-Fithr," Yeni of Blitar said. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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