All the Staff of Sahid Hotel Surabaya Joined Covid-19 Vaccination

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – The staffs and employees of Sahid Hotel Surabaya had just gone through rhe fistr phase of Covid-19 vaccination on April 4, 2021. This was done to assure the safety of the staffs as well the guests coming to their hotel.
During the occasion, there we're around 30 people spotted joining the vaccination. "We are very proud of the government for we believe this program could raise the hotel occupancy," the General Manager (GM) of Sahid Hotel Surabaya, Berlin Simanjuntak said.
In addition, Berlin also said that this program had them able to hold back their F&B program during this Ramadan. This will not raise the occupancy but also the willing of people to travel and stay at one hotel.
"The vaccination will be a starting point to get back customers' trust to hospitality industry. It will bring back their willing to travel and enjoy the beauty of Indonesia," the GM of Sahid Hotel Surabaya ended. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Sofyan Saqi Futaki |