Quest Hotel Darmo Surabaya Celebrated Their 7th Anniversary

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – On their 7th anniversary, Quest Hotel Darmo Surabaya held Sunday Morning Ride or mini tour around the city and Gathering with Maxi Community. This event was held few days before June 3, 2021, the due date on the Hotel anniversary.
"It's one of the way how we celebrate the anniversary by inviting those motorbike community. We also give few tips about motor modification and safety riding," Melly Aruni, the Public Relation Officer Quest Hotel Darmo Surabaya said.
The hotel also gives an appreciation to the best modified motorbike. There were around 50 riders joining the party. The came from several community such as AT Bradersbig Max Jatim , Arci Brotherhood Surabaya, SRB - Surabaya Suka Riding, and Mosco Community.
The Sunday Morning Ride was started form the hotel lobby through several toad and end up back to the hotel lobby. Some tips were given on the talkshow right after the tour.
The hotel also takes the participants to enjoy some breakfast presented by the head Chef. Everyone seems enjoy the moment and hope that this event will be held again someday.
"We hope that there there will be another event such as. And that Quest Hotel Darmo Surabaya will be the first choice for motor riders to stay during their time in this city," Melly Aruni said. (*)
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Editor | : Khodijah Siti |
Publisher | : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan |