
Day Art Batik Probolinggo, the Perfect Batik for Those Youngsters

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2021 - 01:33 | 53.83k
The owner of Day Art Batik Friday Purnama Sari. (Photographs: Friday Purnama Sari for TIMES Indonesia)
The owner of Day Art Batik Friday Purnama Sari. (Photographs: Friday Purnama Sari for TIMES Indonesia)

TIMESINDONESIA, PROBOLINGGO – Batik has been associated as a formal dress for those formal occasion especially for those orders and mature people. Mostly the motivate will suit the need of the orders. But Day Art Batik Probolinggo, trying to give some chance for the kids and youngsters to wear it with their style.

In order to answer the kids and youngsters needs of nice motifs of batik that suit to their need, Day Art Batik creates a pop art batik with pop motifs. This believes to be able to make them interest to wear it.

"For all this long Batik has been associated with certain motifs that to some kids and youngsters are boring. But with this pop art they will be happily to wear it," Friday Purnama Sari, the owner of Day Art Batik said.

Pop Art 2Proses pewarnaan batik di Day Art Batik.

Friday explained that she added some fun candy eye catchy colors to the motifs. She put some flowers, animals, and some other things they could find easily around them which has been distilled and deformed.

In addition, Friday also stated that she made the batik from the scratch in conventional way. For a piece of her batik she charge her customers starting from IDR 200 K. The more exotic and complicated the motifs the more expensive it is.

"We have distributed the batik to all corner of the country. You could find us on Instagram @dayart_batik, or contact us through our WhatsApp number or find us at Jalan Merapi 142 Triwung Lor, Kademangan, Probolinggo," Friday, the owner of Day Art Batik ended. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.


Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur


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