
Draw Your Own Batik with Batik Manggur Probolinggo

Selasa, 29 Juni 2021 - 05:35 | 30.90k
The Batik class participants and the instructor of Batik Manggur Probolinggo pose after class. (Photographs: Batik Manggur for TIMES Indonesia)
The Batik class participants and the instructor of Batik Manggur Probolinggo pose after class. (Photographs: Batik Manggur for TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, PROBOLINGGO – Batik has been well known to be Indonesian Cultural Intangible Heritage. The technique that makes it special has made batik becomes one popular attraction for the tourist to see. Little did you know, there are some places that offer some batik class, including Batik Manggur Probolinggo.

Batik Manggur is a one Micro Small Medium Enterprises in Probolinggo that try to keep this culture and and conserve the sustainability. Siti Malikhah, the owner of Batik Manggur uses her home at Jalan KH Sulthon Dusun Subur RT03/RW 06, Triwung Kidul, Kademangan, Probolinggo, East Java, as her workshop.


In addition, she also creates a short course for batik class for those who willing to know the process deeper. The lady which has started her business since 2008 and choose Manggur as the main motifs on the fabric.

She intended to let everyone knows that Manggur is one original motif from Probolinggo through her class. Manggur was a portmanteau of mangga (mango) and anggur (grape). So the motif will look like those two exotic tropical fruits.

Batik Manggur 2The participants paying attention to the instructions of the instructor during their class at Batik Manggur.

Since she started the class, there has been lots of people joining and participating in her class. She also uses professional batik instructor to teach the class and guide the participant from the very beginning.

"We should preserve Batik Manggur so our great great grandchildren acknowledge it. That's why we open a class for those who would like to join us to preserve this culture," Siti Malikhah said.

Since the first time Siti Malikhah established Batik Manggur, there has been hundreds of other motifs she creates beside she manggur itself. This owner of Batik Manggur has also received some invitation as a key speakers on some Batik workshop.

Batik Manggur 3How the class at Batik Manggur was conducted.

Batik Manggur Probolinggo also provide these who would like to have some Batik tools or products for personal uses or may be some mass production. Just contact them or find on their Instagram for more information. (*)

**) Ikuti berita terbaru TIMES Indonesia di Google News klik link ini dan jangan lupa di follow.

Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sholihin Nur