
Let’s Make the Sweet and Soft Japanese Chocolate Mochi

Minggu, 04 Juli 2021 - 01:11 | 350.92k
Mochi, the Japanese traditional cake. (PHOTO: Screenshot of Devina Hermawan’s YouTube)
Mochi, the Japanese traditional cake. (PHOTO: Screenshot of Devina Hermawan’s YouTube)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTAMochi is Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice and other ingredients such as water, sugar, and cornstarch, which is pounded into paste and molded into the desired shape. It is traditionally made in a new year ceremony or mochitsuki.

Popular fillings for mochi red bean paste, ice cream, and chocolate paste. You can make your own mochi dumplings at home. Here is the recipe of chocolate mochi by Devina Hermawan.

For 13 pieces of mochi dumplings

· 300 gr glutinous rice flour

· 50 ml vegetable oil

· 250 ml water

· 1 tsp of tutti frutti flavor

· 1 tsp of vanilla extract

· 1 tsp of salt

· 140 ml condensed milk

Filling ingredients:

· 40 gr wheat flour

· 30 gr butter

· 140 ml water

· 140 ml milk

· 20 gr cocoa powder

· 115 gr compound milk chocolate, chopped

· 100 ml condensed milk

· 1 tsp of salt

Topping ingredients:

· 100 gr tapioca starch

· Pandan leaves

Cooking method:

1.  Let’s make the chocolate filling first. Prepare cooking pan, put some butter and wheat flour. Turn on the heat.

2. Add some water, milk, salt, condensed milk, and cocoa powder. Mix well.

3. Turn off the heat. Put compound milk chocolate, mix well.

4. Pour it into a bowl, cover it with plastic warp and let it chill.

5. Next, prepare a bowl. Put the glutinous rice flour, condensed milk, salt, tutti frutti flavor, vegetable oil , water and vanilla extract into it. Mix well.

6. Put it into heat-resistant container, cover it with aluminium foil and steam it for 35 to 40 minutes.

7. Toast the tapioca starch and pandan leaves to make mochi topping.

8. Take the chocolate filling from the refrigerator with an ice cream scoop. Shape it into circle and cover it with wheat flour.

9. Turn off the heat, knead the mochi dough and divide it into 13 parts.

10. Flatten the mochi dough, put the chocolate filling inside and shape it into circle. Cover the mochi dumplings with the toasted flour.

11. Enjoy the chewy, sweet and soft mochi with your family. (*)

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Publisher : Rizal Dani


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