
Check These Interesting Packages of The Alana Hotel Surabaya

Sabtu, 31 Juli 2021 - 03:38 | 44.61k
Some interesting offer of Alana Hotel Surabaya. (PHOTO: Alana Hotel Surabaya)
Some interesting offer of Alana Hotel Surabaya. (PHOTO: Alana Hotel Surabaya)

TIMESINDONESIA, SURABAYA – In order to keep in touch with their loyal customer, The Alana Hotel Surabaya brings out several packages to pamper their customers. These packages were about the Food and Beverage and package for stay. These packages were aimed to help the customers to boost their immune.

They gave lots of F&B discount during this social restriction. Instead of the healthy food they prepared, the Alana Hotel also believe that this will be a good news for them and bring them some smile and happiness. And we all know that happiness is the most crucial thing to boost your immune.

Located at Jalan Ketintang Baru I No. 10- 12, Ketintang, Gayungan, Surabaya, Alana Hotel has two F&B pacakage for their customers. The first package they called as PPKM (promo Puas Kenyang Meriah). It's in from of a bento box with certain dishes that will sooth your growling belly. Only for IDR 25 K/pax.

Or you could choose Eat Well in a Day package. This package will fit or those people in isolation for it could be enjoyed for your lunch and dinner time.  This package could be enjoyed for IDR 100 K/pax. For those who lives nearby, or not far away from the hotel or at least stayed not more than 2 Km away from the hotel Alana will give you free delivery service. 

Last but not least, The Alana Hotel Surabaya also offers  a nice package for stay which you could take for IDR 560 K/night. This package includes breakfast for two and you will be eligible to stay at their deluxe room. What a nice offer for such fancy hotel. Don’t waste your time, just grab your phone and take the package you need. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Ahmad Rizki Mubarok


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