
These are some Tricks so You Wont Skip Your Breakfast

Kamis, 05 Agustus 2021 - 04:22 | 42.48k
Iustration: Preparing Your Breakfast. (PHOTO: Pxhere)
Iustration: Preparing Your Breakfast. (PHOTO: Pxhere)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – Doctors said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After a long night sleeping and you could say as fasting, breakfast hold a big role for our health.  Breakfast will replenish your supply of glucose after being all night during sleeping.

However, some people will likely to skip their breakfast for certain reasons. Some will skip it for they were in rush, some will skip it for they wanted to sleep in, and some because they don’t get use to it.

However they are simple tricks you could try to make you able to keep this morning routine in track and never sip breakfast. Check them out.

1. Fill your fridge with groceries

memilih-sayuran.jpgA girl picks he veggies. (PHOTO: alxam.com)

IF you have time to pick your groceries just make sure you fill your fridge with some veggies, meat, fish, fruits and some other think you could cook in the morning before you go to the office. Or for those who really don’t have time to cook or to prepare your breakfast you could start with cereal and milk, oatmeal, or some peanut butter and jelly on top of your bread.

2. Prepare your breakfast at night before you sleep

If you really don’t have time to prepare your breakfast in the morning but you really want some good breakfast consist of complete package of meals, you could start to prepare the whole stuffs at night before you sleep. In the morning, you only need 5 minutes to reheat it in the oven. There then, you will never skip your meal.

3. Get your mealbox

bekal.jpgNice lunch box. (PHOTO: Freepik)

If you couldn’t do your breakfast at home, you could pack it and eat it in your office, at the park, or another public places. You could prepare simple breakfast such as sandwich or loaf with some salad in it.

Those its not the best breakfast meal that you have, at least you could start to make breakfast as your daily routine in the morning. So, will you still skip your breakfast after this?

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki


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