
These Exotic Fruit Prices in Indonesia will Surprise You

Kamis, 12 Agustus 2021 - 09:31 | 149.04k
Mangosteen. (FOTO: Pixabay)
Mangosteen. (FOTO: Pixabay)

TIMESINDONESIA, JAKARTA – As a tropical country, Indonesia has dozens of exotic tropical fruit that you will barely able to find in foreign countries. Or, even if you found it, it will be massively hijack your wallet. For this, lots of foreigner will not waste their time to taste these phenomenal fruits and rush to the nearest market to find them.

Once they get there, they will be shocked on how cheap their price. It is super duper affordable especially for those who get use with dollars. Most of them will only cost you $1 to $2 for each kg, unless it's not their season, it might get more expensive by that time. So, what fruits are they? Check them out.

1. Dragon Fruit

This fruit is a favorite to lots of local community in Indonesia. The nice, juicy, fresh, sweet and a bit sour taste make this fruit becomes phenomenal. The shape that looks like the dragon makes this fruit looks like a fairy tale fruit. In Indonesia, when it comes to its season you could have it for $1 for 1 kg.

2. Mango

Do you realize how expensive is mango in foreign country? You will be shock when you find out the price in Indonesia. 1 kg mango in Indonesia will cost you a cup of coffee you regularly take in the morning in foreign country. When it comes to season time, you will just found it like a waste.

3. Mangosteen

Not far away from mango. The price of mangosteen varied but it will drop down during its season. 1kg of mangosteen will cost you around $1 to $2 on its season. And will cost you around $3 to $4 when it's not on its season.

4. Rambutan

Rambutan which literally means hairy also one other exotic Fruits that cost you not more than $1 when it comes to its season. This fruit is such a common you could find anywhere around Indonesia. But Rambutan Binjai is the most popular of all.

5. Banana

So, how much does a bunch of banana will cost you? Around $7, right? Well, in Indonesia, you could have a bucket full of banana with $7. In certain area, this exotic fruit was just like a waste, they grew so fast and sometimes they take its season at the same time. Unbelievable bang your buck price for all these exotic fruits. (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Lucky Setyo Hendrawan


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