
Novotel Yogyakarta Offers You Lots of Interesting Package

Jumat, 20 Agustus 2021 - 01:12 | 53.49k
A nice Deluxe Room at Novotel Yogyakarta. (PHOTO: Ditha for TIMES Indonesia)
A nice Deluxe Room at Novotel Yogyakarta. (PHOTO: Ditha for TIMES Indonesia)
Kecil Besar

TIMESINDONESIA, YOGYAKARTA – In order to support the social restriction program by the government, Novotel one of the nice Hotel in Yogyakarta offers lots of interesting Package you could enjoy alone or with your loved ones. This packages will surely brings a joy to your plain days during the social restriction.

Located at Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 89, Yogyakarta, Novotel has lots of Package from package for Stay Food & Beverage. The hotel have ‘STAY WITH VACCINE CARD’ and ‘STAY SAFE WITH NOVOTEL’. It also has ‘STAY SAFE WITH PRIVATE WORKING SPACE’ for you who need a space to work.


Hotel Novotel Yogyakarta 3Drive thru beverages corner at Novotel Yogyakarta. (PHOTO: Ditha for TIMES Indonesia)

For those who have been fully vaccinated, you will be eligible to enjoy 50% room rate discount and 30% discount for every of F&B purchases you do at their restaurant. You could have it for IDR 2.7 M/7 days without dining or those Packagefor stay for IDR 3.2 M for 7 days.

"To enjoy thenpackage, all uou need to do is just showing us your antigen swab with clean result," the Marketing Communication Manager Paskalia Fitha Ratnasari said.

For the working space package, you could enjoy a nice comfy private room  with private rest room for IDr 200 K for 12 hours from 08.00 to 20.00 local western times. For those who would like to order some food, the hotel will bring it right to your room starting for IDR 75 K or IDR 150, depends on the Package you choose.

Hotel Novotel Yogyakarta 2Tempting dishes you could get at Novotel Yogyakarta. (PHOTO: Ditha for TIMES Indonesia)

For those who would like to enjoy the mouth watering dishes at Novotel, you could take them away or just get a delivery order. The have for tempting meal boxes from Ayam Bakar Klaten & Tumis Kacang Panjang, Ayam Sambal Matah & Sayur Orak-arik, Terik Daging Sapi & Lodeh Wonosari, to Ikan Saus Kemangi & Tumis Buncis Wortel.

You'll get a free drink for every purchase uou made for each package. You could also get a package of croissant along with a cup of coffee. This F&B package of Novotel Yogyakarta could be enjoyed for a very affordable price. It's IDR 15 K for the croissant,  and IDR 30 K for the food.  (*)

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Editor : Khodijah Siti
Publisher : Sofyan Saqi Futaki